Tag Archives: speech recognition

How to Orchestrate your Hosted IVR

Whether you are contemplating outsourcing your IVR offering, or already have done so but find it a challenge to manage, ensuring success is not a point and “make it happen” exercise. In my current role, I have the pleasure of observing many different organizations’ deployments of outsourced speech enabled IVRs (hereafter, IVR.) Having been on the delivery side for ten years, it has been very enlightening to be on the customer side. Most often, we see the classic command and control relationship between customers and their infrastructure partners (vendors) where the customer provides requirements in the form of what, when and where.  Sometimes customer issue … …more

Secret Agents Doubling as Virtual Assistants

Humans continue to be more intelligent than machines Speech recognition is continually improving. Note the functionality that Google Now and Apple Siri provide from devices that are notably difficult to interact with using text.  However, has it really changed much in the contact center? Sure, a few large corporations have implemented natural language understanding or “conversational” IVR apps using traditional speech recognition. The seven-digit cost, covering the cost of the software and ongoing very expensive tuning behind these apps precludes anyone but the largest organizations from deploying these solutions. However, even for well-designed apps, the current state of ASR still limits the ability to expand … …more